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Стихи про паука на английском

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4673 дня назад (3 мая 2012)
Редактировалось: 1 раз — 21 мая 2012
Голосов: 0

Детские стихи про паука на английском:

J. Bruno

I have a little spider,
And I'm very fond of him;
He climbs on to my shoulder,
And then up to my chin;


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He crawls down my arm,
And then down my leg;
Now he's a tired little spider
So I put him into bed.

Spider hurrying,
Spider scurrying,
See her silken thread.
Spider hurrying,
Spider scurrying,
See her little web.
Watch the busy spider,
He's helpful as can be,
Eating insects all day long
Now they won't bite me.
Itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the waterspout;
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out;
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain;
And the itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again.

Clever spider spins a thread
To make a trap we call a web.
Clever spider knows that she
Will have some insects with her tea.

Spiders are not insects
Spiders have eight legs.
Spiders have four pairs of eyes
Spiders hatch from eggs!
Spider webs are stick
Spiders weave them tight
Spiders spin that silky string
Spiders weave webs right!

A. G. Koss

The spider weaves a sticky web
To capture bugs to eat.
What keeps the spider's sticky web
From sticking to her feet?
Spider webs are very tricky
Because not all the strands are sticky.
Unlike the passing hapless fly,
The spider knows which strands are dry.
But if she accidentally stands
Upon one of the sticky strands,
She still would not get stuck, you see--
Her oily body slides off free.

Spiderlings hatch from eggs.
Each one has eight tiny legs.
A spider has more eyes than you.
Most have eight, and you have two.
A spider has two body parts.
Across its web it quickly darts.
From a spider's spinnerets
Sticky spider silk jets.
Spiders feel the frantic tugs,
Of their favorite food; it's bugs!
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