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Стихи про бабочку на английском
![]() Детские стихи про бабочку и гусеницу на английском: Way up in the sky The butterflies fly. While down in their nests The butterflies rest. [/b] Если кому-то нужен перевод, пишите в комментариях! With a wing to the left And a wing to the right The sweet little butterflies Sleep all through the night. SH-h-h-h they're sleeping. The bright sun comes up. The dew falls away. Good morning, good morning The butterflies say. Butterfly, Butterfly, fly away, You were a caterpillar yesterday Butterfly, Butterfly you never stay, Always flying to a new day. Butterflly, butterfly, where do you fly? Where do you go alone? Is it for flowers and honey you spy? Have you a home of your own? What is your name? Do you live in the wood? And what do you come to see? Dear Mr. Butterfly, won't you tell Your secrets to someone like me? Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar in the garden creeps. He spins himself a blanket and soon falls fast asleep. Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar wakes up by and by To find he has wings of beauty, changed to a butterfly. A. Fisher Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly up in the sky so high. What do caterpillars do? Nothing much but chew and chew. What do caterpillars know? Nothing much but how to grow. They just eat what by and by will make them be a butterfly, But that is more than I can do however much I chew and chew. L. Vabada Fuzzy, wuzzy, creepy crawly Caterpillar funny You will be a butterfly When the days are sunny. Wiggling, flinging, dancing, springing Butterfly so yellow, You were once a caterpillar, Wriggly, wiggly, fellow. The fuzzy caterpillar Curled upon a leaf, Spun her little chrysalis And then fell asleep. While she was sleeping, She dreamed that she could fly, And later when she woke up She was a butterfly! I started as a tiny egg Upon a leaf of green And now I stay upon the leaf So I will not be seen Soon I'll build a chrysalis Upon a limb up high I'll stay a while and then come out And be a butterfly Our garden's furry little train, Sir Caterpillar, please explain. I've been told that by and by you'll turn into a butterfly. Instead of moving like a train You'll fly and flutter like a plane! I've wished for wings, but I don't know Just how a kid gets wings to grow. If you could show me how to do it, I bet there would be nothing to it! Flitter, flitter, butterfly, Flitter, flitter, butterfly, Flitter, flitter, butterfly, Flitter, and fly up in the sky, Oh my, butterfly, Oh my, butterfly, Oh my, butterfly, Do you always fly so high? C. Rossetti Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk, Or what not, Which may be the chosen spot. No toad spy you, Hovering bird of prey pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly. M. Dawson Creepy crawly caterpillar Looping up and down, Furry tufts of hair along Your back of golden brown. You will soon be wrapped in silk, Asleep for many a day; And then, a handsome butterfly, You'll stretch and fly away. I found a cocoon That a caterpillar made, Fastened to a leaf Hanging in the shade. He barely had room To wiggle or wag, Like me zipped up In my sleeping bag. I looked each time That I passed his way, But he never budged Until just today. Something happened! He wagged and wiggled And then climbed out And carefullly jiggled Small wet wings That grew as they dried. He'd turned to a butterfly Inside!
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