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Стихи про радугу на английском

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4677 дней назад (8 июня 2012)
Голосов: 0

Детские стихи, песенки, загадки про радугу на английском:

The Rainbow Song
(Tune Hush, Little Baby)

Rainbow purple,
Rainbow blue,
Rainbow green,
And yellow too.


Rainbow orange,
Rainbow red,
Rainbow shining
Over head.
Come and count
The colors with me!
How many colors
Can you see?
1-2-3 on down to green
4-5-6 colors can be seen!
Rainbow purple,
Rainbow blue,
Rainbow green,
And yellow too.
Rainbow orange,
Rainbow red,
Rainbow shining
Over head.

(Tune Jesus Loves me)

Red, orange, green and blue
Shiny yellow, purple too.
All the colors that you know
Show up in the rainbow.

Under the Rainbow

(tune:  Up on the Housetop)

First comes the rain cloud passing by
Dropping raindrops in my eye!
Then comes the sunshine up so high
Now a rainbow in the sky!
Yea-Yea-Yea-who wouldn't go?  

If you want to see a rainbow
(Tune If your happy and you know it)

If you want to see a rainbow, check the sky.
Just as its raining, look up high.
With the sun behind your back,
you will see the colors stacked.
Oh, I love to see a rainbow in the sky!

Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow too.
Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can see a rainbow,
See a rainbow,
See a rainbow too.

Загадки про радугу на английском:

H.H. Moore

Red and green and delicate blue,
orange, yellow, and violet, too.
Indigo's there, a deep, dark, hue.
I see, but can't touch it, and neither
can you!
What is it? (A rainbow!)

Arc of colours
M. Ch. McCue

I’m red, orange, yellow curving hues,
With strips of ribbon green and blue.
I’m blending band of indigo,
My violet stripe is last to show.
Arc of colors, what am I?
I’m a rainbow in the sky!

Oh, Rainbow

(to the tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree")
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow,
How lovely are your colours.
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow,
How lovely are your colours.
Purple, red and orange, too,
Yellow, green and blue so true.
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow,
How lovely are your colours.
One spring day the big round sun
Winked at a cloud just for fun.
That dark gray cloud thundered and cried,
Scattering raindrops on all outside.
But when the sun peeked out from a sunset low
Together they both made a gay rainbow!

I can see a rainbow,
see it in the sky, see it when the rain has gone away.
All the colors of the rainbow
in the sky so high,
I can name them all for you today:
Red there is, a rosy red, a red so bright and bonny,
and orange as a tiger lily leaf, so bold and tawny,
yellow as the blazing sun, that gives us all our light,
and green as grass beneath our feet,
blue as the sky so bright.
There's indigo, as dark as night,
and violet like flowers.
These are the colors nature paints
the sky with after showers.

Rainbow Song

Red and yellow and pink and green,
Purple and orange and blue.
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
You can sing one too!
Listen with your eyes,
Listen with your eyes,
And sing everything you see.
You can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a long with me.
Red and yellow and pink and green,
Purple and orange and blue.
You can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Now you've sung one too!
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