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Стихи про пчелу на английском

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4632 дня назад (8 июня 2012)
Редактировалось: 2 раза — последний 8 июня 2012
Голосов: 0

Детские веселые стихи про пчелу на английском:

What do you suppose?
A bee sat on my nose.
Then what do you think?
He gave me a wink.
And said, "I beg your pardon,
I thought you were a garden."


Если кому-то нужен перевод, пишите в комментариях!

Bonnie Bee, Bonnie Bee,
When will your wedding be?
If it be tomorrow day,
Take your wings and fly away.

Bees that buzz
At my elbows and knees --
No sir, I'm not
Fond of these.
But bees that buzz
Near flowers and stem,
Making honey --
I like them.

I'm a little honeybee
Yellow and black
See me gather
Pollen on my back
What the queen bee tells me
I must do
So I can make sweet honey for you!

BUZZ! goes the bee,
Hour after hour,
BUZZ! goes the bee
From flower to flower.
Sucking out the nectar
Flying it home.
Storing up the nectar
In the honeycomb
BUZZ! goes the bee,
Making honey so sweet.
Bee makes the honey
That I love to eat!
Do you like to buzz,
Are you covered all in fuzz?
Do you call a hive a home
In the Garden where you roam?
Do you know how to make honey,
Are your stripes a little funny?
Do you like to buzz?

Here is the beehive. Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Soon they will come, creeping out from the hive;
One, two , three, four, five.

Пальчиковая игра про пчел на английском:

Five busy bees on a lovely spring day.
(растопырить все пальцы)
This one said, "Let's fly away.'
(показывать каждый палец по очереди)
This one said "We'll drink some nectar sweet."
This one said, "Let's get pollen on our feet."
This one said "And then we'll make some honey."
This one said "Good thing it's warm and sunny."
So the five busy bees went flying along
(показывать как летают пчелки круговыми движениями пальцев)
Singing a happy honeybee song.
(спрятать руку за спину)

E. G. Baker

One little honeybee by my window flew;
Soon came another - then there were two.
Two happy honeybees in the apple tree;
One more bee came buzzing up - then there were three.
Three busy honeybees starting to explore
Another bee came to help - then there were four.
Four laden honeybees flying to the hive;
They were joined by one more bee - then there were five.
Five tired honeybees with the others mix;
Now there's a swarm of them - a hundred times six.

Here is the beehive, where are the bees?
Hidden away were nobody sees
Watch and you will see them come out of their hives,
One, two, three, four, five,
Buzz, buzz, buzz.  

Five Little Bees

One little bee blew and flew.
He met a friend, and that made two.
Two little bees, busy as could be--
Along came another and that made three.
Three little bees, wanted one more,
Found one soon and that made four.
Four little bees, going to the hive.
Spied their little brother, and that made five.
Five little bees working every hour--
Buzz away, bees, and find another flower.
Стихи про суслика | Стихи про транспорт на английском
Собака Овен # 15 июля 2013 в 12:54 0
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