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Стихи Good morning

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4662 дня назад (21 июня 2012)
Голосов: 0

Детские стихи и песни приветствия на английском:  Good morning

Good morning, good morning,
How are you today.
Good morning, good morning,
Are you ready to play?


That’s lots of funny things to do
Toys and games from me and you.
Good morning, good morning,
How are you today.
Good morning, good morning,
Are you ready to play?

(to the tune of "Happy Birthday")

Good Morning to you
Good Morning to you
Good Morning Dear ____
Good Morning to you!

Good morning,
good morning,
good morning everyone,
I’m so glad to see you ,
good morning everyone

Good morning, good morning,
To you, to you and to you.
Good morning, good morning,
To you and to you.
Nancy, Judy and Margaret,
Peter, Dandy, Paul and John
(Можно подставить нужные имена).
Good morning, good morning,
To you and to you.

Smile and say good morning ( 3 раза)
How are you today
Good morning to ( имя ребенка)  3 раза
Clap your hands three times.

How Do You Do?
(tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)

Good morning, (first name and last name).
How are you?
Good morning, (first name and last name).
How are you?
How are you this special day?
We're glad you came to play.
Good morning, (first name and last name).
How are you?

Good Morning Song

We come from many places,
Good morning, good morning,
With happy smiling faces,
Good morning to you.
The sunshine we are bringing,
Good morning, good morning,
So let’s start out by singing,
Good morning to you

Good morning, good morning
How are you today?
Say good morning, good morning
In a special way.
Let’s say it like a duck
Quack, quack, quack….
Let’s say it like a dog
Woof, woof, woof….
Let’s say it like a cat
Meow, meow, meow…
Let’s say it all together
Good morning, good morning
How are you today?
Say good morning, good morning
In a special way.
Good morning everyone!

Good Morning Song

Oh, the duck says "Quack",
and the cow says "Moo",
the old red rooster says
The sheep says "Baa",
and the cat says "Meow",
but I say "Good Morning
when I see you!

Good Morning

One day I saw a downy duck,
With feathers on his back.
I said «Good morning, downy duck»,
And he said «Quack, quack, quack».

One day I saw a timid mous,
He was so shy and meek.
I said «Good morning, timid mouse»,
And he said «Squeak, squeack, squeack».

One day I saw a curly dog,
I met him with a bow.
I said «Good morning, curly dog»,
And he said «Bow-wow-wow».

One day I saw a scarlet bird,
He woke me from my sleep.
I said «Good morning, scarlet bird»,
And he said, « Cheep, cheep, cheep».

Good Morning

I say good morning to the sun,
Good morning to the hills,
Good morning to the chickies and the hen.
"cluck, cluck".
Good morning to the rooster,
Good morning to the cow,
Good morning piggies in the pen.
"oink, oink".
I say, "Good morning, good morning,"
To everything in sight.
And when I am finished
It's time to say "Good night".

Good Morning

Good Morning to the school,
Good morning to the flag,
Good morning to the pencils and the pens.
Good morning to the teacher,
Good morning to the kids,
Good morning to learning with my friends.

Good morning it's time to rise,
Stand up and wipe your sleepy eyes.
Reach and stretch for the sky,
Hold your hands way up high.
Bend your body and touch the ground,
Stand up straight, now turn around.
Point to your eyes, point to your nose,
Jump up and down and touch your toes.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet,
Let's start the day, now find your seat.

Start the Day With a Smile

This is the way we start the day
Start the day, start the day,
This is the way we start the day,
So early in the morning.
First we smile and shake a hand,
Shake a hand, shake a hand,
First we smile and shake a hand,
So early in the morning.
Then we sit down quietly,
Quietly, quietly,
Then we sit down quietly,
So early in the morning.
We listen very carefully,
Carefully, carefully,
We listen very carefully,
So early in the morning.

Good Morning Song

(to the tune of Brownie Smile)
I awoke this morning, ate my breakfast early.
I dressed by myself and to school I hurry.
School, school, here I am today.
Now I am ready to read and sing and play.
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