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Стихи про пингвина на английском
![]() Детские стихи про пингвина на английском: The Penguin That Couldn't Fly I saw a penguin. He walked right by. He had a tear in his eye. I heard him cry and softly sigh, Oh I wish I could fly. [/b] Если кому-то нужен перевод, пишите в комментариях! Peter Penguin Peter Penguin Marching by Toes turned out Head held high. Long black coat, Clean white vesst, Peter Penguin You're the best! A Question About Penguins When do penguins change their clothes? They must have others, I suppose. Can it be that they're always dressed In party clothes, that can't be messed? Gathered in suits of black and white Perfect for some formal night - Do they expect a king or queen To grace their distant glacial scene It would make me feel much better If I knew they each owned a sweater. Penguins Their suits are black and their vests are white. They waddle to the left and they waddle to the right. They stand on the ice and they look very neat, As they waddle along on their little flat feet. Жестовая игра про пингвина на английском: Have You Ever Seen a Penguin Have you ever seen a penguin? a penguin? a penguin? Have you ever seen a penguin swim this way and that? Swim this way and that way and this way and that? Have you ever seen a penguin swim this way and that? (Двигать руками как пловец) Повторить, заменив "swim" на: "slide" (делать скользящие движения рукой) "waddle" (ходить вперевалочку) "dress" (кланяться и делать реверанс) Penguin Shuffle Penguins shuffle shuffle to the Left left left Penguins shuffle shuffle shuffle to the Right right right Give a little wiggle Give a little hop Waddle round the iceberg Never want to stop! M. Goldish I know a bird That cannot fly: Penguin is its name. It cannot fly, But it can swim With speed that wins it fame! I know a bird That lives on ice And waddles by the sea. It looks so cute In its black-and-white suit, As handsome as can be! I'm a Little Penguin I'm a little penguin Black and white, Short and wobbly An adorable sight. I can't fly at all But I love to swim, So I'll waddle to the water And dive right in! Six Little Penguins Six little penguins off an iceberg did dive, One bumped his beak, then there were five. Five little penguins swam the ocean floor, One saw a whale, then there were four. Four little penguins spun around, whee-ee! One spun off, then there were three! Three little penguins, with nothing to do, One went fishing, then there were two. Two little penguins, having lots of fun, One fell of, then there was one. One little penguin, when the day was done, Went home to sleep, then there were none. Three Little Penguins Three little penguins, dressed in white and black. Waddle, waddle forward and waddle right back! Three little penguins, in a funny pose, They are wearing their evening clothes. Their suits are black and their vests are white. They waddle to the left and they waddle to the right. They stand on the ice and they look very neat, As they waddle along on their little flat feet. Penguin Parade Waddle, waddle, waddle, From side to side. Penguins go a-walking, Slip, slip, slide. With a funny jump, The penguins dash Down to the water, Splash! Splash! Splash! Waddle from the water, With a rock'n roll Penguins go parading, On a wintry stroll. Penguins Everywhere There's a penguin on the table. There's a penguin on the chair. There's a penguin eating popcorn. There are penguins everywhere! There's a penguin on the ladder. There's a penguin on the ground. There's a penguin on the rooftop. There are penguins all around! There's a penguin in the mirror. There's a penguin next to me. There are penguins everywhere That only I can see! I Know a Little Penguin I know a little penguin Who sat on some blocks, He swam in the ocean And he climbed on some rocks! He snapped at a seagull, He snapped at a seal, He snapped at a fish, Oh, what a meal! Unhappy Southpole Penguin Unhappy South Pole penguin You are in a nasty mood As you try to chew your dinner which refuses to be chewed. But a simple undertaking Will improve your attitude - You must first defrost your dinner For your dinner's frozen food! I'm a Little Penguin I'm a little penguin round and fat Here is my beak, here is my hat. Winter days are coming, hear me shout, "Please don't toss My mittens out!" I'm a little penguin black and white. Short and wobbly, an adorable sight. I can't fly at all, but I love to swim. So I'll waddle to the water and dive right in. I'm a little penguin On the ice. I think cold is very nice. I can hop around first once, then twice. I think ice is very nice. Penguin Thoughts Have you ever seen penguins in picture books? I always smile when I see their looks. They look like men in their fancy suits, All black and white from head to boots. I often wonder when it snows, Do they freeze their little penguin toes? Do they shiver and shake in their land of ice? Sitting on icebergs CAN'T BE NICE! Mr. Penguin On top of an iceberg, All covered with snow I saw my first penguin. I wanted to know. Oh is it a bird? Or is it a fish? I look at his feathers, And knew which was which. I said, "Mr. Penguin, Which species are you?" He said, I'm emperor. And not a gentoo." I said, "Mr. Penguin, What's under your patch?" He said, "It's an egg, It's ready to hatch," I said, "Mr. Penguin, Oh where is your wife?" "She's out in the ocean, She'll be back tonight." Said Mr. Penguin, "Her name is Jill. She's out in the ocean, Feeding on krill." The next thing I knew, I heard a peep. And I saw a chick, At the emperor's feet.
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