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Стихи про собаку на английском

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4663 дня назад (18 июня 2012)
Редактировалось: 3 раза — последний 18 июня 2012
Голосов: 0

Детские стихи про собак на английском:

My Dog

My dog listens when I talk
He goes with me for a walk
When I sleep, he sleeps too.
He does everything that I do.

Стихи про щенка на английском


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When my sister/brother/friend makes me mad,
He hangs his head and looks so sad.
He cuddles up and licks my hand
And tells me he can understand.

Ten little doggies

Ten little doggies went out one day,
To dig in the dirt and play, play, play.
Five were spotted, and five were not,
and at dinnertime they ate a lot!

The Dog Song

I see a dog.
The dog sees me.
I like the dogs.
The dogs like me.
Big white dogs.
One, two, three.
I like the dogs
and the dogs like me.
There was a wee lassie called Maggie,
Whose dog was ENORMOUS and shaggy;
The front end of him
Looked vicious and grim...
But the tail end was friendly and waggy!

K. Nesbitt

I have a dog.
His name is Fred.
He won't play fetch.
He won't play dead.
He won't shake hands
or sit or stay
or bark or beg
or run and play.
He won't roll over,
shake or crawl.
In fact, he won't
do tricks at all.
When folks ask why
I tell them that's
because my dog
was raised by cats.


I have a dog his name is Rags,
He eats so much his tummy sags.
His ears flip flop and his tail wig wags,
And when he walks, he walks zig zag!
He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag!
He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag!
He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag!
I love Rags and he loves me!

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his ears so short and his tail so long,
Oh where, oh where is he?

Frisky's Doghouse

This is Frisky's doghouse,
This is Frisky's bed,
Here is Frisky's bowl of kibble,
So that he can be fed.
Frisky has a collar,
With his name upon it too,
Take a stick and throw it,
And he'll bring it back to you.

Жестовая игра про пуделя на английском:

I Had A Poodle

I had a little poodle (сжать кулачок как будто это пудель)
His coat was silver grey
One day I thought I'd bathe him
To wash the dirt away. (скребем кулак)
I washed my little poodle
Then dried him with a towel. (похлопываем кулачок)
My poodle seemed to like his bath
He didn't even growl.
Стихи про щенка на английском | Морские животные стихи на английском
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