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Стихи про динозавров на английском

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4691 день назад (22 мая 2012)
Редактировалось: 1 раз — 22 мая 2012
Голосов: 0

Детские стихи, считалки и игры  про динозавров на английском:

Long, long ago,
When the earth was new,
Dinosaurs walked,
and swam, and flew.


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Apatasaurus, too.
To name a few.
Long, long ago,
When the earth was new,
Huge dinosaurs lived,
And small ones too.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Dinosaurs walked on this earth,
On this earth, on this earth,
Dinosaurs walked on this earth,
A long, long time ago.
Tyrannosaurus Rex was king,
Was the king, was the king,
Tyrannosaurus Rex was king
A long, long time ago.
Tyrannosaurus (child's name) was king,
Was the king, was the king,
Tyrannosaurus (child's name) was king,
A long, long time ago.


There once was a bony stegasaurus
Who wasn't a friend of brontosaurus
They both ate plants
But never ants
That bony stegasaurus.
Five Enormous Dinosaurs
Five enormous dinosaurs,
Letting out a roar,
One went away,
And then there were four.
Four enormous dinosaurs,
Munching on a tree,
One went away,
And then there were three.
Three enormous dinosaurs,
Didn't know what to do,
One went away,
And then there were two.
Two enormous dinosaurs,
Having lots of fun,
One went away,
And then there was one.
One enormous dinosaur,
Afraid to be a hero,
He went away,
And then there was zero.

M. Goldish

Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,
Where have you been?
I've only seen you
In books that you're in.
Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,
Why aren't you here?
I want to know what
Made you all diasappear!
Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,
How you would roam!
Forests and beaches
Were your private home.
Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,
How you could eat!
Dining on plant life
Or dining on meat.
Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,
Where did you go?
Once you were giants,
And how you did grow!
Dinosaurus, dinosaurs,
What made you die?
So many guesses,
But no one's sure why.

Five Dinosaurs

Five huge dinosaurs,
Sleeping on a cave floor,
Woke up and started to roar,
"There is no room, no more, no more,
No more room on this floor!"
They tossed and they turned and they pushed galore,
Till one poor dinosaur was shoved out the door.
(продолжать пока не останется один динозавр)
One huge dinosaur,
Alone on a cave floor,
Woke up and started to roar.
"There's too much room on this floor, on this floor,
There's too much room on this floor!"
So he tossed and he turned and he cried galore,
Till the poor dinosaur met his friends at the door.
"Come back dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs!"
"Come back dinosaurs, dinosaurs!"
So, they all came back and he cuddled with the four,
And there were no more roars galore.

5 Dinosaurs

One dinosaur went out to play,
On a bright and sunny day.
He had such enormous fun,
That he called another dinosaur to come.
Two dinosaurs went out to play,
On a bright and sunny day.
They had such enormous fun,
That they called another dinosaur to come.
(count up till you get to 5 or
to the number of kids in your class)

Oh I Want to Be a Great Big Dinosaur
Oh I want to be a great big dinosaur,
That is what I really want to be!
For if I were a great big dinosaur,
Everyone would run away from me. . .

Additional Verses:

stomp away from me
crawl away from me
slither away from me
All Around the Swamp

The Pteranodon's wings went flap, flap, flap,
Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap,
The Pteranodon's wings went flap, flap, flap,
All around the swamp.
The Tyrannosaurus Rex went grr, grr, grr,
Grr, grr, grr, grr, grr, grr,
The Tyrannosaurus Rex went grr, grr, grr,
All around the swamp.
The Triceratops' horns went poke, poke, poke,
Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke,
The Triceratops' horns went poke, poke, poke,
All around the swamp.
Additional Verses:
The brontosaurus went munch, munch, munch.
The stegosaurs' tail went spike, spike, spike.
The dinosurs went zzz, zzz, zzz,
Zzz, zzz, zzz, zzz, zzz, zzz,
The dinosurs went zzz, zzz, zzz,
All around the swamp.

The Dinosaur Song

Dinosaurs lived long ago,
Long ago, long ago.
Dinosaurs lived long ago,
And now they are extinct.
Tyronnosaurus was a carnivore,
carnivore, carnivore.
Tyronnosaurus was a carnivore,
And he ate only meat.
Apatosaurus was a herbivore,
Herbivore, herbivore.
Apatosaurus was a herbivore,
And he ate only plants.

Детская кричалка про динозавров на английском:

Going on a Dinosaur Hunt
(kids chant back each line after you say it)
Going on a dinosaur hunt. And I'm not afraid.
There's a tall mountain. Can't go under it.
Can't go around it. Guess I'll go over it.
Going on a dinosaur hunt. And I'm not afraid.
There's a river. Can't go over it.
Can't go under it. Guess I'll swim across it.
Going on a dinosaur hunt. And I'm not afraid.
There's some tall grass. Can't go over it.
Can't go around it. Guess I'll go through it.
Going on a dinosaur hunt.
And I'm not afraid. There's a cave!
Can't go over it. Can't go under it.
Guess I'll go in it. It's dark and spooky in here.
It's cold in here! I feel some scales.
I feel some big teeth!
OHH! It's a Dinosaur!
(kids say the following with you)
Run out of the cave,
Go through the grass,
Swim across the river,
Climb the mountain,
Run, hope, Open the door,
Jump into bed.
I went on a dinosaur hunt,
And I wasn't afraid!
Стихи про котят на английском | Стихи про лето на английском
мария # 22 февраля 2014 в 07:03 0
Клевые стихи про динозабров ! мне они очень сильно понравились!!спасибо вам мне помогли написать стих.
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